portrait - hofstetter kurt

born on July 16th, 1959 in Linz, artist, living and working in Vienna.

artistic domains:
concepts, sound-, light-, computer-, video-, internet- and time sculptures, media installations in public space, expermental art videos, music compositions, mathematical reflections - tilings and patterns

represented by Gallery Konzett Vienna

2024, SINGULAR FIELD II @ on the irrational pattern structure - light field installation at Old School / Havelberg
2023, Suite Irrational performance @ "tense_intense extended" event at the Forum Austriaco di Cultura Roma
2023, I look up to the sky to ground myself @ Art Cologne 2023 by Gallery Konzett
2023, "tense_intense" Parallel Media - Barbara Doser | Hofstetter Kurt @ Museo Carlo Bilotti / Villa Borghese - Rome
2023, Eine Fluxus-Aktion von Hofstetter Kurt mit Barbara Doser & Bazon Brock 15 Jahre museum FLUXUS+ Potsdam
2023, EIN HOCH dem Planet der Pendler 30 years Media Art Installation @ sub- and railway station Landstrasse Wien Mitte
2022, ZART - NOW - HERE @ Utopienale 2022, Old School, Havelberg - Germany
2022, Der Mond - pardon - das Geld hält seine Wacht& X_lips @ Turn Around and spin the truth, BASEMENT - Vienna
2022, X-stills Edition & N.I.C.-manutable @ Gallery Konzett - PARALLEL EDITIONS 2022, Semper Depot - Vienna
2021, I LOOK UP TO THE SKY TO GROUND MYSELF Ausstellung und Buchpräsentation @ Gallery Konzett Vienna
2021, Suite Irrational - world premiere @ WIEN MODERN & Natural History Museum Vienna - Digitales Planetarium, Vienna
2021, orbit_one_open @ RePresent - getting closer : galeriefreihausgasse, Villach
2021, SOLENNES_CHORAL | audio-file @ round72/Angelo Roventa, Bregenz
2020, Suite Irrational - online world premiere @ WIEN MODERN & Natural History Museum Vienna - Digitales Planetarium
2020, X_sun & WW-kristallklar Installation @ VC - Vienna Contemporary Art Fair Gallery Konzett - booth C24, Vienna
2019, EIN HOCH dem Planet der Pendler Ausstellung und Buchpräsentation @ Gallery Konzett Vienna
2019, Xlips installation @ Musashino Art University - Building #9, Tokyo
2019, fACING tIME installation @ Musashino Art University Museum & Library, Tokyo
2019, "Die Logik des Irrationalen" - lecture performance mit Dirk Frettlöh @ DENKEREI von Bazon Brock - Berlin
2018, dream'sdreams installation @ "body concrete" exhibition at Museoteatro della Commenda - Genova
2018, Die Supersymmetrische Musik von Hofstetter Kurt Welturaufführung EINNIE @ Gallery Konzett Vienna
2018, RAUMZEIT KOMMUTATION participation @ from nothing to something - Symposion Lindabrunn
2018, Lecture "On the Event Horizon of Order" at Dallas Museum of Art for IARS, Horchow Auditorium - Dallas
2018, participation @ 17x24 Every Day is a Good Day - MAGAZIN 4, Bregenz
2017, Ambient Tactile Art a new art form @ festival & presentation - Gallery Konzett Vienna
2017, Wiener Walzer _ kristallklar @ SCHÖNHEIT exhibition - Gallery Konzett Vienna
2017, ZART - NOW - HERE @ Digitales Planetarium | Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
2016, New Arrivals / Neuankömmlinge @ Bildraum Bodensee Bregenz
2016, SUSYs FINGERPRINT @ Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
2016, Am Ereignishorizont der Ordnung - Neue Irrationale Muster: Ausstellung @ Galerie Freihausgasse Villach
2016, Sunpendulum fACING tIME installation @ Kanazawa Institute of Technology - Toranomon Campus Tokyo
2015, Wolfgang Pauli Lecture @ ARTEMATICA 2015 at Künstlerhaus Vienna
2015, dream'sdreams installation @ body interference exhibition at Künstlerhaus Vienna
2015, masterclass @ Punto y Raya Academy 2015, Madrid
2015, ELEOSONORE-Ouvertüre @ Carving the Sound Space - Electroacoustic Festival @ Vienna University of Technology
2014, On the Event Horizon of Order exhibition @ Sharjah Art Museum, UAE
2014, Cubic_C @ Dak'Art OFF participation - Biennale Dakar, Senegal
2014, X_lips @ electric parade - Galerie Freihausgasse, Villach
2013, inauguration: fACING tIME @ Vienna University of Technology | Faculty of Informatics, Vienna
2013, 20 years old public installation of Computer Art: Planet of the Commuters with the three time-moons, Vienna
2013, One Moment of Time - reinstallation @ ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe
2013, dream'sdreams @ body in abstraction exhibition, St John's College, Oxford, UK
2013, On the Event Horizon of Order - artistic research lecture, University of Oxford - Department of Computer Science, UK
2012, ZART - NOW - HERE Premiere @ Sound Art. Klang als Medium der Kunst, event ZKM - Cube, Karlsruhe
2012, MOEBIUS SOUNDS & VISION @ Festival October 2012 by The Electroacoustic Project, Vienna
2012, New Irrational Patterns, Vienna
2012, Cubic_C @ Caldia Cube Moscow exhibition (feb - apr 2012), Moscow
2012, One Moment of Time @ Museum im Palais, Graz
2011, Cubic_C / Die Kubische See - space #2 @ KRO ART CONTEMPORARY, Vienna
2011, f A C I N G t I M E - interactive installation @ Vienna University of Technology / Informatics Building
2011, CD-Book presentation: Hofstetter Kurt - ZART una cantata moebius, Kiesler Foundation Vienna
2011, Cubic_C @ CALDIA CUBE @ Milano, Berlin, Verona, London, Paris, ...
2010, Twilight Pendulum Clockwork / Light Art Biennial 2010 @ gallery Area53, Vienna
2010, TripleD @ VIENNAFAIR - Gallery KONZETT, Vienna
2010, N.I.C. - miniatures @ ART COLOGNE - Gallery KONZETT, Cologne
2010, Ich schaue in den Himmel, um mich zu erden. Parallelität und Kreislauf 10 - Galerie KONZETT, Vienna
2009, elementary wave @ THE GAME OF THE MIGHTY - MAK, Vienna
2009, AZZURRO @ Détournement Venise - La Biennale di Venezia 2009, Venezia
2009, CIRCUM C @ YOUser 2.0 Celebration of the Consumer, ZKM, Karlsruhe
2009, semper et @ gallery AREA53, Vienna
2008, CIRCUM C @ International Biennial of Contemporary Art of Seville (Biacs3), CAAC, Seville
2008, Time De Lux @ ZeitRaumZeit Ausstellung, Künstlerhaus, Vienna
2008, Dreikugelskulptur N.I.C. für Dreieinigkeitsbauwerk Kurt @ Am Puls der Stadt - Ausstellung, Wien Museum, Vienna
2008, ZART - cantata moebius @ first release, Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation, Vienna
........ events in Vienna: OST/VEST, Arsenal | Tonspur Live, MQ | ZeitRaumZeit, k-haus | Kunstradio, OE1 - ORF
2007, SPACING TIME | solstice 2007 @ paraflows 07, MAK-CAT Flakturm Arenbergpark, Vienna
2007, single field - installation @ Landpartie 2, Unter-Oberndorf, NÖ - Austria
2007, RAUMKUSS - light/sound installation , Forum Experimenteller Architektur / MQ, Vienna
2007, TWILIGHT PENDULUM - space installation, TENT Witte de With / IFFR exhibition, Rotterdam
2006, TIME DE LUX, Medienkunstlabor - Kunsthaus Graz, Graz
2006, TWILIGHT PENDULUM - sculpture, ZKM - Museum for Contemporary Art, Karlsruhe
2005, X-tense images - FTE-, CLP - sculptures, KIT - Future Design Institute, Tokyo
2005, the 'Complementary Light Pendulum' sculpture, XI. Triennale India, New Delhi
2004, ‘c light pendula’ www-client, http://www.sunpendulum.at/clp
2003, ‘pupillen sind keine schwarzen löcher’, Gasometer - G-town Vienna, Vienna
2002, ‘facing time eyes’ www-client, http://www.sunpendulum.at/fte
2001, ‘facing time eyes’ halftime installation, look around, Medienwerkstatt Wien, Vienna
2000, ‘as time goes b-eye’, sunpendulum reflection, Egyptian Embassy, Vienna
1999, ‘lips pendulum’, ‘complementary light pendulum’ personale II=0, Echoraum, Vienna
1998, ’moments in communication’, Sarajevska Zima / internat. art festival, Sarajevo
1997, ‘die Zeit pendelt durch den Raum’, Arbeit Buch Wissenschaft, Arbeiterkammer, Vienna
1997, ‘the smile that you send out returns to you’, TopCall, stock market, Vienna
1996, ‘moments underway’, art cards in Euro-City trains, Europe
1996, ‘moving moments @ pendel’, "Schrägspuren" - international video festival, Klagenfurt
1996, ‘moving moments @ pendel’, 100 Years Cinema, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna
1996, ‘moving moments @ pendel’, internat. Festival - Media Scape 4, Zagreb
1992, 'time-eye’, Im Augenblick, Haus Wittgenstein/Thurn&Taxis, Vienna/Bregenz
1991, ‘Explosion – Inplusion’, light installation, Skala, Vienna
1990, ‘Samples & Pictures’ in HPC, Industry 90, fair area - Hannover, Hannover
1989, ‘Hofstetter Pendulum Clockwork’ (HPC), World Tech Vienna, Austria Center Vienna, Vienna

2016, Am Ereignishorizont der Ordnung_frontal @ Galerie Freihausgasse Villach
2009, N.I.C. - nature is cool, crossways Langegasse - Laudongasse, Vienna
2009 - 2014, one moment of time, ZKM center for Art & Media, Karlsruhe
2006, sunpendulum time-eye of the Marshall Islands, College of the Marshall Islands - RMI, Majuro
2005, sunpendulum time-eye of Tokyo, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Tokyo
2004, sunpendulum time-eye of Kolkata, Jadavpur University Kolkata, Kolkata
2003, sunpendulum time-eye of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong
2002, sunpendulum time-eye of Dubai, Zayed University Dubai - United Arab Emirates, Dubai
2001, sunpendulum time-eye of the Azores, Universidade dos Acores - Portugal, Angra do Heroismo
2000, sunpendulum time-eye of Ensenada, Universidad de Baja California - Mexico, Ensenada
2000, sunpendulum time-eye of New Orleans, University of New Orleans, New Orleans
2000, sunpendulum time-eye of Cairo, Ain Shams University Cairo, Cairo
1999, sunpendulum time-eye of Granada, Universidad de Granada - Spain, Granada
1999, sunpendulum time-eye of Bermuda, Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute, Bermuda
1999, sunpendulum time-eye of Hawaii, Maui High Performance Computing Center, Maui / Hawaii
1994 - 2009, one moment of time, railway station "Vienna South", Vienna
1993, planet of the commuters with the 3 time-moons, rail & sub station "Landstraße - Vienna Middle", Vienna

- videography (selection)
2011, 'dream'sdreams @ KroArtContemporary - gallery', loop - installation, 13 min , experimental
2010, 'zart_B', mini DV, b&w, 7 min, experimental
2008, 'zart_A', mini DV, b&w, 9 min, experimental
2007, 'dream'sdreams', mini DV, b&w, 13 min, experimental
2006, 'ORDER-RE-ORDER', mini DV, b&w, 7 min, experimental
2006, 'XXLux', mini DV, b&w, 37 min, experimental
2005, 'you breathe life into my bosom, Oleander', mini DV, b&w, 10 min, experimental
2003, 'SUNPENDULUM by Hofstetter Kurt', mini DV, colour, 16 min, project video
2002, 'facing time. parallel in an orbit', mini DV, b&w, 12:12 min, experimental
2001, 'runtime one', mini DV, b&w, 4:40 min, experimental
1998, 'SUNPENDULUM by Hofstetter Kurt', mini DV, colour, 16 min, project video
1995, 'crossover', HI8, colour 7:15 min, experimental | music
- videography with Barbara Doser & Norbert Math:
1995, 'Mreza/Netz - a memory of the live event in Vienna', HI8, 20 min, colour and b&w, pal, stereo, documentary | music

------- based on "Space-Time-Commutation" --------
2018, EINNIE - supersymmetrical composition for two guitars, 3:50 min
2018, SUITE IRRATIONAL - supersymmetrical composition for two grand pianos in five movements, 24:20 min
______supported by the commission for composition from the City of Vienna and the Federal Chancellery of Austria
2019, DEDICATA - supersymmetrical composition for two pianos in four movements, 24:26 min
2019, DIS (d#) - supersymmetrical sonate for piano, 06:34 min
2019, SUSYs FANFARE für die Denker, 01:04 min

------- based on "Möbius-sounds" --------
"Möbius-sounds" created by Hofstetter Kurt are sound units generated by two parallel sound tracks so that being played forwards and backwards sound identical - a simply temporal version of the spatial principle of the Möbius strip
2001, 'runtime one', 4' 40", media: sampling / computer / electronics
music for experimental artvideo : "runtime one" by Barbara Doser & Hofstetter Kurt / PARALLEL MEDIA
2001, 'for barbara', 43", media: computer / electronics
2002, 'sarajevo-moebius-loops', 1', media: computer / electronics, piece for radiotopia @ Ars Electronica 2002
2002, 'belgrade-cafke-moebius-memory-1', 1', media: computer / electronics, piece for radiotopia @ Ars Electronica 2002
2002, 'moebius-yaomi-1', 1', media: computer / electronics
2004, 'even odd even', 7' 30", media: sampling / computer / electronics, arranged by Barbara Doser
music for experimental artvideo "even odd even" by Barbara Doser
2005, 'you breathe life into my bosom, Oleander', 10', media: sampling / computer / electronics
music for experimental artvideo "you breathe life into my bosom, Oleander" by PARALLEL MEDIA
2006, 'ORDER-RE-ORDER', 7', media: sampling / computer / electronics
music for experimental artvideo "ORDER-RE-ORDER" by PARALLEL MEDIA
2007, 'dream'sdreams', 13', media: sampling / computer / electronics
music for experimental artvideo "dream'sdreams" by PARALLEL MEDIA
2008, 'zart - a cantata moebius', 33', media: sampling / computer / electronics
premiere @ Kiesler Stiftung Vienna , April 29th, 2008
2012, 'NOWHERE', 33', media: sampling / computer / electronics

------- based on parallelism and circulation --------
1976, 'Allee' - composition for two guitars / 'ALLEE - base cut'
version - 00 recorded in Ottensheim with Gary Danner / Slumberland Palace Band (1974-1978)
version - 01 recorded 1987 in Vienna, since 1987 samples used in sound designs
1987, 'yumacowimi', 1', media: synthesizer, recorded in Vienna
1989, 'Konzert für Kleiderhaken', 6' 08", media: sampling keyboard, recorded in Vienna
1991, 'planet of time', 55", media: sampling keyboard / guitars / computer, recorded in Vienna
music for artvideo "planet of the commuters with the 3 time-moons" by Hofstetter Kurt
1994, 'message to belgrade', 2' 16", media: sampling keyboard / e-violine, recorded in Vienna with Mia Zabelka
on air: OE1 kunstradio / Radio B92 Belgrade
1995, 'cmpc', 41' 42", media: sampling / computer / electronics, by Hofstetter Kurt & Norbert Math
artradio live event: "changing messages parallel crossover" by Hofstetter Kurt & Norbert Math / on air : ORF Ö1 Kunstradio / Radio Sarajevo
1995, 'crossover', 7' 15", media: sampling keyboard / computer / electronics, recorded in Vienna
music for experimental artvideo "crossover" by Barbara Doser & Hofstetter Kurt
1997, 'luminers call', 27' 15", media: sampling / computer / electronics, recorded in Vienna
music media performance: "luminers call - date 1" by Barbara Doser & Hofstetter Kurt, European Cultural Month - Ljubljana, SK

VIDEO-, SOUND- & PROJECT PRESENTATIONS in more than 40 countries

WORKSHOPS / SYMPOSIA / LECTURES / Artist in Residence (selection)
2015, Artist Talk: On the Event Horizon of Order - New Irrational Patterns @ University of Applied Arts, Vienna
2012, artist in residence @ Messschiff ELEONORE, Stadtwerkstatt Linz, Linz
2011, lecture ‘Inter Facing Time’, Kunstuniversität Linz / interface culture Institute, Linz
2011, lecture ‘Method-Perception-Vision’, Vienna University of Technology / Institute of Architecture, Vienna
2010, lecture 'Sunpendulum details', University of Applied Arts Vienna / Arts & Science Department, Vienna
2007, lecture ‘media art installations in public space’, Webster University Vienna / Art Department, Vienna
2006, lecture ‘Moebius Sounds’, Vienna University of Music / Institute of Music Theory, Vienna
2005, lecture ‘Sunpendulum - artistic intentions’, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Kanazawa
2003, lecture ‘time ? experience’, Conference - The Unifying Aspects of Cultures, Vienna
2002, lecture ‘violence and video moments’, University of Vienna / Puplizistik, Vienna
2002, ’the Sunpendulum pavilion #2 & solar cells’, European Symposium on Solar Architecture, Vienna
2002, lecture ‘Sunpendulum - artistic details’, Zayed University Dubai, Dubai
2001, presentation ‘moebius in terms of time & sound’, Medienwerkstatt Wien, Vienna
2001, ‘artistic communication – former yugoslavia’, Museum of Modern Art – East&East split reality, Vienna
2001, workshop ‘moments in communication’, Summer Academy Ricsovary / Hungary, Ricsovary
2000, lecture ‘Sunpendulum - artistic details’, University of New Orleans, New Orleans
1999, lecture ‘the sunpendulum project’, University of Vienna / Institute for Cybernetics, Vienna
1999, workshop ‘moving moments’, Summer Academy Topolcianky / Slovakia, Topolcianky

COOPERATIONS (selection)
since 1997 'SUNPENDULUM' - architecture, research and parallel media, with the sunpendulum kernel team
2001, 'sunpendulum halftime', presentation, documentation, reflexion, with Barbara Doser / Joseph Hartmann, Museum of Applied Arts - MAK-NITE
1997, 'Luminers Call - Date 1', media performance, with Barbara Doser, European Cultural Month 1997, Ljubljana
1996, 'pendel - datapool of moments', with Ars Electronica Center, since 1996 a www-residence project / Linz
1996, 'moving moments 96', video moments exchange via InterNet, with Barbara Doser & Norbert Math, Sarajevo - Vienna
1995, 'frame 04199401.0-4', video-infrared-sound-installation, with Barbara Doser & Norbert Math, Museum of Applied Arts - MAK, Vienna
1995, 'Changing Messages Parallel Crossover', telematisches Radio-Live-Event, with Barbara Doser & Norbert Math, TRANSIT ORF-Art Radio/ Radio Sarajevo Innsbruck
1994, 'Mreza/Netz', telephone concert, with the project group Mreza/Netz in Ljubljana, Belgrade, Pula, Sarajevo, Skopje and Vienna: Remise-Vienna
1993, 'Against Violance', dance, video- and sound performance, with Zabelka, Doser, Uveric, Carneiro, Kotterer, subway station Vienna-Middle Vienna

2002, founding member of the “II=0 / Two Congruent Zero” society.
2004, bookproject "Einen Augenblick Zeit - Parallaxe" - Verlag edition selene - ISBN 3-85266-262-1
2011, CD-book "Hofstetter Kurt - ZART una cantata moebius" - Verlag Ediciones Triton - ISBN 978-84-938482-0-0
2015, book "Hofstetter Kurt - On the Event Horizon of Order" Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
2019, book "Hofstetter Kurt - Planet der Pendler mit den drei Zeitmonden" Verlag SCHLEBRÜGGE.EDITOR - ISBN 978-3-903172-41-8 or 3903172413
2021, book "Hofstetter Kurt - I look up to the sky to ground myself" Verlag für Moderne Kunst VFMK - ISBN 978-3-903796-54-6

@ Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics ISSN 0081-5438
2015, D. Frettlöh, K. Hofstetter: Inductive Rotation Tilings, Vol. 288, pp. 247-258.
@ Forum Geometricorum ISSN 1534-1178:
2008, A simple compass-only construction of the regular pentagon
2008, A simple ruler and rusty compass construction of the regular pentagon
2006, A 4-step construction of the golden ratio
2005, Division of a Segment in the Golden Section with Ruler and Rusty Compass
2004, Another 5-step Division of a Segment in the Golden Section
2003, A 5-step Division of a Segment in the Golden Section
2002, A simple construction of the Golden Section
@ Crux Mathematicorum ISSN: 1496-4309 (print 1706-8142):
2006, An Efficient Construction Of The Golden Section

2020, Österreichischer Kunstpreis - Medienkunst Media Art State Award of the Republic of Austria
2015, Outstanding Artist Award | Interdisciplinarity - Price of the Republic of Austria for the project On the Event Horizon of Order - New Irrational Patterns
2015, Patent of the Republic of Austria: APERIODICALLY WOVEN TEXTILE- Hofstetter Weave
1996, Brunel Award Commendation - Copenhagn - international award for the permanent media installation at the railway station "Landstraße - Vienna Middle" „planet of the commuters with the three time-moons
1989, Patent of the Republic of Austria: Hofstetter Pendulum Clockwork a network multimedium - "installation in the Historical Museum of Vienna

webdesign - all rights reserved by Hofstetter Kurt and Barbara Doser